Open Access BASE2019

Compensation for violation of copyright and related rights ; Компенсация за нарушение авторского права и смежных прав ; Компенсація за порушення авторського права і суміжних прав


Compensation is a form of compensation for property damage for violation of copy­right and related rights. In the previous 25 years the Law of Ukraine «On Copyright and Related Rights» provided that compensation is determined by a court in the amount of 10 to 50 thousand minimum salaries established by law. At the same time, it was not necessary to prove a specific amount of damages. Therefore, compensation was the most widespread way of protecting copyright and related rightsOn July 22, 2018, the new procedure for payment of compensation came into force. In today's conditions, compensation is characterized by the following features:1) Compensation is a lump sum payment. It cannot be determined as a percentage of future sales of copies or other use of copyright and / or related rights objects with­out specifying its size. Compensation should be paid as a single, one-time payment in a fixed amount;2) The amount of compensation depends on the guilty form of the offender. In the case of the intent of violating, the compensation calculates in a triple rate, with negligence — in the double amount of remuneration that would have been paid if a right holder was granted permission to use the object that was unlawfully used by the offender;3) The basis for calculating the compensation is the amount of remuneration that would have been paid if the offender applied for authorization to use the disputed object.This approach is based on the rule of paragraph b) of part 1 of Art. 240 of Associa­tion Agreement which reproduces the provisions of paragraph b) of part 1 of Art. 13 of Directive 2004/48/EC.In the EU, compensation is provided by the legislation of Croatia, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, however, each state regulates the rule for compensation differently. The approach introduced in the Ukrainian legislation is exactly the same as in Poland. The practice of its application has not yet begun to form but there is no doubt that in the new legislative environment protection of copy­right and related rights will be more complicated. The right holder must prove the amount of remuneration that would have been obtained by him for granting permis­sion to use the relevant object which was not previously required for the payment of compensation. However, despite the predicted difficulties, the new compensation model can become a sufficiently effective way of protecting copyright and related rights. This model is in line with the European approach and it provides for one of the highest payments compared to the legislation of the EU Member States. ; Статья посвящена определению правовой природы компенсации как формы возмещения имущественного вреда за нарушение авторского права и смежных прав; анализу положения п. г) ч. 2 ст. 52 Закона Украины «Об авторском праве и смежных правах» в соотношении с аналогичными нормами европейского права и законодательства государств-членов ЕС; определению того, насколько новая модель компенсации соответствует европейскому уровню защиты авторско­го права и смежных прав; разработке предложений по усовершенствованию пра­вового регулирования выплаты компенсации. ; Стаття присвячена визначенню правової природи компенсації як форми відшкоду­вання майнової шкоди за порушення авторського права і суміжних прав; аналізу положення п. г) ч. 2 ст. 52 Закону України «Про авторське право і суміжні права» у співвідношенні з аналогічними нормами європейського права та законодавства держав-членів ЄС; з'ясуванню, наскільки нова модель компенсації відповідає європей­ському рівню захисту авторського права і суміжних прав; виробленню пропозицій щодо вдосконалення правового регулювання виплати компенсації.

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