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Attitudinal dispositions to vote for a 'new' extreme right-wing party: the case of "Vlaams Blok"

In: European journal of political research: official journal of the European Consortium for Political Research, Volume 27, Issue 2, p. 181-202

ISSN: 0304-4130

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World Affairs Online

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Article(electronic)#5March 4, 2021

Hit by a double whammy? Trajectories of perceived quantitative and qualitative job insecurity in relation to work-related learning aspects

In: European journal of work and organizational psychology: the official journal of The European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Volume 30, Issue 6, p. 915-930

ISSN: 1464-0643

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Open Access#62019

The observation of vibrating pear-shapes in radon nuclei


Open Access#72019

Normal and intruder configurations in Si 34 populated in the β- Decay of Mg 34 and Al 34


Open Access#82021

Competition between allowed and first-forbidden β decays of at 208 and expansion of the Po 208 level scheme


Open Access#92021

First -decay spectroscopy of and new -decay branches of


Open Access#102021

New β -decaying state in Bi 214


Open Access#112019

ß decay of in 133:γ emission from neutron-unbound states in Sn 133