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Article(electronic)#1October 16, 2023

Twinning across the Adriatic: history, memory and municipal co-operation between Italy and Yugoslavia during the Cold War

In: Urban history, p. 1-14

ISSN: 1469-8706

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Open Access#22021

Politiche della memoria in Slovenia e nello spazio altoadriatico tra pratiche nazionali e intrecci internazionali


Open Access#32020

Memorie divise? : commemorare la seconda guerra mondiale tra Italia e Slovenia


Article(electronic)#4November 2018

Erecting fascism: Nation, identity, and space in Trieste in the first half of the twentieth century

In: Nationalities papers: the journal of nationalism and ethnicity, Volume 46, Issue 6, p. 958-975

ISSN: 1465-3923

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Open Access#52018

Borders in arms : political violence in the North-Eastern : Adriatic after the Great War ; Confini in armi : violenza politica nell'Adriatico nord-orientale dopo la grande guerra ; Oborožena meja. Politično nasilje v severno-vzhodnem Jadranu po prvi svetovni vojni


Open Access#62018

Beyond post-socialist memory : politics of the past in Slovenia from the Cold War to the present


Article(electronic)#7April 19, 2017

"Our Victims Define Our Borders": Commemorating Yugoslav Partisans in the Italo-Yugoslav Borderland

In: East European politics and societies: EEPS, Volume 31, Issue 2, p. 290-310

ISSN: 1533-8371

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Nicht Ost, nicht West: Triest

In: Ost-West: europäische Perspektiven, Volume 14, Issue 2, p. 114-120

ISSN: 1439-2089

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World Affairs Online