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Labor force projections up to 2053 for 26 EU countries, by age, sex, and highest level of educational attainment

In: Demographic research, Volume 32, Issue 15, p. 443-486

ISSN: 2363-7064

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Article(electronic)#2May 2, 2022

Female Labor Force Participation in Sub‐Saharan Africa: A Cohort Analysis

In: Population and development review, Volume 48, Issue 2, p. 379-411

ISSN: 1728-4457

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International variation in ageing and economic dependency: a cohort perspective

In: Comparative population studies: CPoS ; open acess journal of the Federal Institute for Population Research = Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungsforschung, Volume 41, Issue 2, p. 121-144

ISSN: 1869-8999

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Article(electronic)#6November 15, 2022

The key role of early education in an ageing and shrinking population: The example of Germany

In: Vienna yearbook of population research, Volume 21, p. 93-103

ISSN: 1728-5305

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Open Access#72022

"It makes the buzz" – putting the demographic dividend under scrutiny


Open Access#82022

"It makes the buzz" – putting the demographic dividend under scrutiny


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Open Access#112016

Aging and Income Convergence in Europe: A Survey of the Literature and Insights from a Demographic Projection Exercise


Open Access#122015

Aging and Income Convergence in Europe : A Survey of the Literature and Insights from a Demographic Projection Exercise



The Advantages of Demographic Change after the Wave: Fewer and Older, but Healthier, Greener, and More Productive?

In: PLOS ONE, Volume 9, Issue 9, p. 1-11

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The Extension of Late Working Life in Germany: Trends, Inequalities, and the East-West Divide

In: Demography, Volume 60, Issue 4, p. 1115-1137

ISSN: 1533-7790

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