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Open Access#42017

Naturwissenschaftliche Wettbewerbe für Schülerinnen und Schüler – Charakterisierung der Anforderungen und Teilnehmenden hinsichtlich spezifischer Leistungsmerkmale ; Student competitions in science – characterization of requirements and participants in scientific student competitions with regard to ...


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Article(electronic)#7December 30, 2019

Assessing the Learning Outcomes of Food-related Educational Tourism Events for University Students: The Case of the International Student Competition of Fermo, Italy

In: International studies: interdisciplinary political and cultural journal ; the journal of University of Lodz, Volume 24, Issue 2, p. 95-125

ISSN: 2300-8695

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Open Access#82019

Assessing the Learning Outcomes of Food-related Educational Tourism Events for University Students: The Case of the International Student Competition of Fermo, Italy


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