Open Access BASE2018

Educational success: a multi-actor project in a learning territory approach ; Réussite Educative: un projet multi-acteurs dans une démarche de territoire apprenant


International audience ; From the 1980s, a new conception of public action emerged: intervention had to be global and territorialized. It was recognized that there were territorial inequalities and, gradually, specific policies were developed known as urban and priority education policy. The "success-in-education project" made it possible to understand how education became a collective and shared competence. The educational success concept was above all a principle of action which aimed at mobilizing professionals from different institutions as well as volunteers. They needed to work together and networks of actors were formed. Institutional logics, learning representations and professional cultures were questioned. Commitment in a learning territory approach enabled the actors to include the transformation process in two main areas: territorial anchorage and the need for collective learning. 3.2. Introduction In the 1980s, the issue of territorial inequalities was part of the political agenda. In the 1960s, in order to respond to the housing crisis, residential neighborhoods called "housing estates" were quickly built on the outskirts of towns. Although they were initially satisfactory to everyone, due to the comfort of the dwellings and quality of facilities, their sociological composition quickly evolved. The incentive to become owner of a house in the countryside favored the departure of the wealthiest households. Only the lowest income families remained. They were the hardest hit by the crisis and therefore felt like captives. Young people, in particular, found it difficult Chapter written by Maryvonne DUSSAUX. ; A partir des années 80, une nouvelle conception de l'action publique émerge : l'intervention doit être globale et territorialisée. On reconnaît qu'il existe des inégalités territoriales et progressivement vont s'élaborer des politiques spécifiques qui prendront le nom de politique de la ville et d'éducation prioritaire. Le dispositif « projet de réussite éducative » permet de comprendre comment ...

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