Open Access BASE2014

Republic of Moldova in the European partnership


The "Eastern Partnership" program is part of the European Neighborhood Policy, which was launched in 2004 to encourage good relations between the EU and neighboring states. The "Eastern Partnership" was established in May 2009 at the Prague Summit, and it is aimed to accelerate the political association and deepening the economic integration between European Union and six post-soviet states. Eastern Partnership program offers opportunities, especially in the economic sphere, for the development of closer and full cooperation with the EU. Moldova is today ranked as one of the leaders in the Eastern Partnership. Progress of the Republic of Moldova in the Eastern Partnership is rated as very good. Moldova represents a success story and leads in the implementation of major reforms oriented on improving the economic competitiveness. ; Tomasz Wiskulski




University of Gdańsk, University of the St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, University of Oradea

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