Open Access BASE2013

POLITICS OF AESTHETICS IN THE PROJECT OF MODERNITY ; Политика эстетики в проекте модерна


The article is devoted to the political aspects of genesis and expansion of aesthetics in the era of modernity. Aesthetics opens up the new territory of feelings, experiences, affects, which was left without attention in post-Cartesian philosophy. Uprise of aesthetics was a materialistic rebellion of the body against the tyranny of the theoretical. But on the other hand, by appeal to the senses power take roots at the level of mute affective life of individuals. Aesthetics, therefore, is contradictory concept, combines both the possibility of intrusion of domination in the affective and somatic life and utopian vision of equality of sensual in the community of autonomous subjects. ; Статья посвящена политическим аспектам возникновения и распространения эстетики в эпоху модерна. Эстетика открыла новую территорию чувств, переживаний, аффектов, которая была оставлена без внимания в посткартезианской философии. Появление эстетики было материалистическим восстанием тела против тирании теоретического. Но с другой стороны, обращение к чувствам позволяло власти укорениться на уровне безмолвной аффективной жизни индивидов. Эстетика, следовательно, является противоречивым концептом, сочетающем в себе как возможность внедрения господства в аффективную и телесную жизнь, так и утопическое видение равноправия чувственного в сообществе автономных субъектов.POLITICS OF AESTHETICS IN THE PROJECT OF MODERNITYThe article is devoted to the political aspects of genesis and expansion of aesthetics in the era of modernity. Aesthetics opens up the new territory of feelings, experiences, affects, which was left without attention in post-Cartesian philosophy. Uprise of aesthetics was a materialistic rebellion of the body against the tyranny of the theoretical. But on the other hand, by appeal to the senses power take roots at the level of mute affective life of individuals. Aesthetics, therefore, is contradictory concept, combines both the possibility of intrusion of domination in the affective and somatic life and utopian vision of equality of sensual in the community of autonomous subjects.Keywords: Aesthetics, politics, modernity, art, sensuality, body.




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