Open Access BASE2017

Coherent manipulation of three-qubit states in a molecular single-ion magnet


We study the quantum spin dynamics of nearly isotropic Gd3+ ions entrapped in polyoxometalate molecules and diluted in crystals of a diamagnetic Y3+ derivative. The full energy-level spectrum and the orientations of the magnetic anisotropy axes have been determined by means of continuous-wave electron paramagnetic resonance experiments, using X-band (9-10 GHz) cavities and on-chip superconducting waveguides and 1.5-GHz resonators. The results show that seven allowed transitions between the 2S+1 spin states can be separately addressed. Spin coherence T2 and spin-lattice relaxation T1 rates have been measured for each of these transitions in properly oriented single crystals. The results suggest that quantum spin coherence is limited by residual dipolar interactions with neighbor electronic spins. Coherent Rabi oscillations have been observed for all transitions. The Rabi frequencies increase with microwave power and agree quantitatively with predictions based on the spin Hamiltonian of the molecular spin. We argue that the spin states of each Gd3+ ion can be mapped onto the states of three addressable qubits (or, alternatively, of a d=8-level >qudit>), for which the seven allowed transitions form a universal set of operations. Within this scheme, one of the coherent oscillations observed experimentally provides an implementation of a controlled-controlled-NOT (or Toffoli) three-qubit gate. ; Funds were provided by the Spanish MINECO (Grants No. MAT2015-68204-R, No. CTQ2015-64486-R, No. MAT- 2014-56143-R, No. CTQ2014-52758-P, and No. FIS2015-70856-P and Excellence Unit María de Maeztu MDM-2015-0538), the European Union (ERC Grants No. SPINMOL and DECRESIM and COST 15128 Molecular Spintronics project), the Gobierno de Aragón (Grants No. E98-MOLCHIP and No. E33), Comunidad de Madrid (Research Network QUITEMAD+), and the Generalidad Valenciana (Prometeo and ISIC-Nano Programs of Excellence). A.G.-A. thanks MINECO for a Ramón y Cajal Fellowship. ; Peer Reviewed




American Physical Society



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