Open Access BASE2017

Securing M-voting Using Cloud Intrusion Detection and Prevention System: A New Dawn


Conference Proceedings ; Democracy has been transformed by the introduction of ICT, which is known as e-voting. E-voting is the use of computerised equipment to cast votes. Mvoting is a subset of e-voting and is the use of mobile phones to cast a vote outside the restricted electoral boundaries. M-voting has a feature that is different from other e-voting solutions: the mobile-phone. Mobile-phones are pervasive; they offer connection everywhere at any time. However, using a fast growing device such as mobile-phone as a tool to cast a vote can raise questions when coming to its security. This paper designed and developed a security solution termed a cloud intrusion detection and prevention system which endeavours to secure the voters' mobile phone while casting their vote. The security system was developed using android version 6.0 for android phones and MySQL. Simulations were used to evaluate the system and results indicate that the proposed system is efficient, reliable and secure.




IEEE Xplore: IST-Africa Week Conference (IST-Africa)

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