Open Access BASE2010

Миграция. Проблема?


In the paper the question is raised what processes in the Russian policy and in society hamper making migration an urgent issue as an important social process, prevent the theme of migration from going out into public sphere. The migration policy in Russia, its reflection in legislation, at political level, in culture (in literature, cinema, TV) and in public opinion are examined. The author comes to a conclusion that the issue of migration just starts going out into public space in Russia. The author considers the following reasons for this issue almost not being discussed in public: vague governmental policy concerning migrants, great difficulties in coordinating and implementing united migration policy by various agencies, immediate profits of politicians who use the issue of migration first of all as a threat to the Russian society, culture, mentality, etc.; obstacles to appearance in public sphere of migrants, their interests, values and opinions and as a result of this their problems remain merely theirs or only narrow group of experts are aware of them who are underrepresented in open public discussions and mass media.


Автономная некоммерческая организация "Аналитический центр Юрия Левады

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