Open Access BASE2020

Memorie divise? : commemorare la seconda guerra mondiale tra Italia e Slovenia


In recent times many scholars have used comparative approaches and transnational examinations to show how national frameworks of memory are not self-sufficient and impermeable. In this article, by presenting the case of Slovenia and Italy, I will argue that politics of memory in post-socialist societies are not per se unique or different from those in parts of what is generally considered Western Europe. Moreover, if post-Cold War politics of memory in Slovenia are as they are, it is not only because of the country's socialist past. Furthermore, thanks to a transnational focus on the borderland, which is today shared by Slovenia and Italy, I will argue that the redefinition of collective identities and the reinterpretation of history after 1991 are not solely a post-Yugoslav or Eastern European peculiarity but rather a European phenomenon. ; Questo lavoro è il frutto di una ricerca finanziata dal programma di ricerca e innovazione di Horizon 2020 della Commissione europea Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions dal titolo Adriatic Perspectives: Memory and Identity on a Transnational European Periphery, n. 655609 e, parzialmente, da un progetto di ricerca finanziato dall'Agenzia delle ricerche della Repubblica di Slovenia (ARRS) dal titolo Welfare States Adriatici, n. J6-1800.




Il Mulino



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