Open Access BASE2015

Osiguravanje kvalitete u visokom obrazovanju u Republici Hrvatskoj ; Higher Education Quality Assurance in the Republic of Croatia


Reforma sustava visokog obrazovanja potaknuta je potrebom stvaranja jedinstvenog europskog prostora visokog obrazovanja s ciljem razvoja nove dimenzije europskoga društva i Europe znanja. Kao dio reforme, poduzete su mjere i uvedeni mehanizmi za osiguravanje i unapređenje kvalitete visokog obrazovanja. Temelj za uspostavu i provođenje osiguravanja kvalitete u Republici Hrvatskoj je Bolonjska deklaracija, a temeljni dokument u tom kontekstu Standardi i smjernice za osiguravanje kvalitete u Europskom prostoru visokog obrazovanja. Svrha je ovog rada ukazati na važnost Bolonjskog procesa u funkciji osiguravanja kvalitete visokog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj, kao temeljne misije u izgradnji društva znanja i gospodarstva u cjelini. U skladu s navedenim, cilj ovog rada je prikazati napredak u provedbi Bolonjskog procesa kroz promicanje mobilnosti studenata i nastavnika, uspostavu sustava praćenja kvalitete te promicanje europske suradnje. ; Reform of the higher education system has been induced by the requisite creation of a unique European area of higher education, aimed at the development of a new dimension of the European society and knowledge. As a part of the reform, adequate measures were undertaken and new quality assurance and development mechanisms were implemented. The basis for consolidation and implementation of quality assurance in the Republic of Croatia is the Bologna Declaration, with Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area being the fundamental document concerning quality assurance within the context. The objective of this work is to show the importance of the Bologna process in the function of higher education quality assurance in the Republic of Croatia as the fundamental mission in the development of knowledge society and economy as a whole. In this accordance, the aim of this work is to show the progress followed in the implementation of the Bologna process through promoting students' and educators' mobility, setting up the quality monitoring system and pursuing European cooperation.

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