Open Access BASE2017

Globalism as ideology and globalization as the process ; Ґлобалізм як ідеологія і ґлобалізація як процес


The process of globalization is presented now in the light of concentration and centralization of the economic power as a precondition of creation of planetary political and social infrastructure. Globalization was always connected with the struggle for resources, for territories. In the course of historical development of globalization processes the prospects of civilization movement were determined both by the power claims and military component. Under these conditions the etatist myth which adopts the idea of the national state also feeds the idea of globalization. The substitutive religiousness of any prophetic empiricism and determinism is an important condition of efficiency of various forms of modern globalization ideology. The relation between the real content of the idea of sovereignty and the universal values is one of the greatest risks in globalization process. ; ***




Filosofska Dumka; Філософська думка

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