Open Access BASE2015

Transnational business and problems of global governance ; Транснациональный бизнес и проблемы глобального управления ; Транснаціональний бізнес і проблеми глобального управління


The article examines the impact of globalization on the activities of states. One of the main driving forces of global change is a multinational company with significant resources to influence national governments. Rapidly changing role of the nation state. The classic functions of managing the reduced and modi-fied, gaining other content concepts such as sovereignty, democracy and civil society. In today's world they are seen as aspects of global governance and carry features supranational phenomena.The changing role of the state in the era of globalization has become the political elite of world awareness of the necessity of new realities determine the vector of the future global development. The era of nation states ends and today should begin to think about not only economic, but also political integration. And it's not only the restructuring of state control and its adaptation to globalization processes, but also about fundamental changes in governance in general. The first effects of the free functioning of financial markets in the early twenty-first century. on the world scale were far from encouraging.The financial collapse of 2008 has had a painful effect on the economy of almost all countries of the world, forcing us to reflect on the need to create not only national but also supranational international systems of economic regulation.Since the role of national powers weakens or just changes, who can replace them in order to stabilize economic and social processes around the world? How to create a "concern of states" capable of successfully fulfilling not only purely political but also socio-economic functions? So far, the problem of the relationship between business and politics at the global level remains unresolved, and the discussion shows that not only in practice, but also in the theory of unambiguous answers to these questions is not.Changing the role of the state in the era of globalization puts the world's political elite in front of the need for awareness of new realities, the definition of ...

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