Open Access BASE2020

Fungsi Pengawasan DPRD Terhadap Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Bupati Dihubungkan Dengan UU No. 22 Tahun 1999 Dan UU No. 32 Tahun 2004 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah


Philosophically government was formed to serve the needs of society, from political and administrative purposes the primary mission of the existence of local government is for the welfare of the community, through the provision of services plublik effective, efficient, economical, transparent, participatory and democratic. Meanwhile, democracy in local governance implies that the local government is run by the people themselves through the people's representatives are democratically elected to run a mission for the achievement of welfare. Enactment of Law no. 22 of 1999 and Law no. 32 of 2004 on Regional Governance is an ongoing effort to organize a system of local governance in Indonesia who is still experiencing shortages, weakness and impede democratization in the region. One of the central role to oversee the running of the government at the local level is the role of Parliament. Parliament is an institution that becomes a partner as well as oversight of local government performance. So that its role should continue to be strengthened to guarantee the implementation of good governance, transparent and accountable. One criterion is the responsibility of regional heads of work reports submitted to Parliament. Supervision carried own by Parliament however play an important role for the development of democratic Ibre and guarantee the representation of people and regions in carrying out the duties and authority, and developing the mechanism of checks and balances between the legislative and executive institutions for the sake ofjustice and welfare.




Center fo State Civil Apparatus Training and Development and Competency Mapping



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