Open Access BASE2005

Model of Population Employment Estimation


Recently population employment and unemployment issues have become especially urgent. Developing Lithuanian work market is at the junction of two processes. On the one hand there occurred the processes conditioned by economy transfer from the planned system to the market system which led to the structural changes of separate economy branches, diffusion of technical and technological advance, change of production scale and range, competition in domestic and foreign markets, etc. On the other hand the integration into the international economic system has come to the fire. These developments have caused quality and quantity parameter changes in complex work resources, the latter determining the causes of irregular population. New ways of the solution of these problems have been presented by the integration into the European Union promoting the possibility to use the experience of other countries in modelling the development adequate to the country's social and economic growth. Consequently it is purposeful to improve models of population employment estimation, which would let to identify factors determining changing differences in the work market.

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