Open Access BASE2013

Energetikos diskursas internetinėje žiniasklaidoje ekologiniu ir socialiniu aspektais ; Assessing Ecological and Social Aspects of Energy Discourse in Online Media


In the theoretical part was made yielded a holistic approach to sustainable development (SD). In order to examine energetical discourse in online media, was made the online media review and analyzed information presentation. News framing theory analysis revealed how the media builds knowledge from the news and how this affects the political, economical and social reality. Also described the manipulation of society (propaganda) mechanisms. Prepared energetic discourse shaping and it's features, in online media, analysis methodology in social and environmental aspects, also made quantitative and qualitative study, which analyzed online news sites, and energetic-themed text's in 2012 February 1-2013 January 31 period(a total 619 articles). The conclusion was made in the end of work.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Vytautas Magnus University

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