Open Access BASE2012

Best available technologies for the heat and cooling market in the European Union


Every year, over 40% of the total energy consumed in Europe is used for the generation of heat for either domestic or industrial purposes whereas the cooling demand is growing exponentially. The importance of the heat and cooling sector is underlined in the EU energy policy initiatives. This emphasize the role of technologies based on renewable energy sources combined with highefficiency energy technologies, to meet the heat and cooling demand in Europe more sustainably in the future. In this context, the JRC led study, which was undertaken with two partners1, to identify the current best available technologies (BATs) which can contribute to improve the energy efficiency and reduce the CO2 emission in the heat and cooling market in the EU ; Godkänd; 2012; Bibliografisk uppgift: JRC72656; 20130423 (kroann)




Luleå tekniska universitet, Samhällsvetenskap; Joint Research Centre - Institute for Energy and Transport; Danish Technological Institute; Luxemburg : Publications Office of the European Union



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