Open Access BASE2013

Understanding Leadership: Biographic, Gender and Social Aspects


The concept of "leadership" has become widely used in the social sciences after K.Levin experiments (USA, 30th years). He proposed a model for the implementation of changes identified three leadership styles (authoritarian, democratic and anarchist) and proved their direct impact on the "cluster environment» (Lewin, 1951). From this period, the term leadership is firmly embedded in psychological science. In 1943, psychologist K.Craik, continuing the development of ideas about the relationship with the leader of the group, suggested that all events are translated into the internal model, and that people use these models to evaluate external events. This communication theory suggests that people perceive the world through the prism of their psychological perception, and not just the outside world as a whole, despite the fact that they can feel that. DOI:10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n9p714




Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences

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