Open Access BASE2019

Evaluation of raw material extraction, processivng, construction and disposal of cement and concrete products: datasets and calculations


To evaluate the material flows associated with construction and demolition in different countries it is necessary to have a consistent set of data. However, data collected by regulators and governments differ and this study used concrete as a case in point. Concrete is a significant man-made material in construction whose use reflects socio-economic variation between countries. Flows of natural components, cement and aggregates, are investigated from extraction to final disposal following demolition (Tangtinthai et al., 2019). The housing sector dominates the use of concrete in urbanized areas and greatly reflects socio-economic and resource extraction issues. To compare concrete stock, use and policies of contrasting countries the data from Thailand and Great Britain (GB) are considered, but as reported they differ for each country. We present here the results of the calculations required to generate an internally consistent database for Great Britain and for Thailand that enables an informed materials flow analysis to be undertaken on materials consumed and generated during construction and demolition of concrete structures. The research methodology and calculations for national cement and concrete production (including clinker, cement kiln dust, gypsum, and aggregates) and the resulting datasets help to make projections that shape policy requirements for Thailand and other emerging economies as reported in (Tangtinthai et al., 2019).

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