
Der X. Parteitag der KP Vietnams - ein Ereignis ohne hervorstechendes Profil

In: Südostasien aktuell: journal of current Southeast Asian affairs, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 46-61

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Twenty years after the beginning of the Doi moi reform (of 1986) in April 2006 the 10th
National Congress of the CPV took place, revised the implementation of the 2001-2006
socio-economic plan as well as twenty years of Doi moi, decided on the tasks of the
development in the 2006-2010 period, and elected the new leadership by approving 160
members of the CC as well as 14 members of the Politbureau and by reelecting Nong Duc
Manh as General Secretary of the CPVCC. The result was disappointing: It is true, on the one hand, that Vietnam is dominated by
market economy and by private enterprises; but the leadership continues to be entrusted to
the leninist Trinity of local party secretaries, ministerial personal, and CPV-cadres. There
is not any private businessman to have been elected for leadership.
Externally at least the party is keeping its unflexible leninistic façade. Whether it will
internally shift from orthodoxy to a new flexibility - matching the progress of market
economy - is a question not to be answered by the Congress.

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