
Nierówności społeczne w kontekście badania kapitału społecznego ludzi starych: Przykład Domu Pomocy Społecznej i Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku w Białymstoku

In: Społeczne wymiary starzenia się, S. 101-117


Complexity of the changes taking place in modern societies makes it is necessary to deepen the analysis of the impact of social inequality on the activity of old people. Dissemination of new technologies and organizational forms allows solving many social problems and improving the quality of human life. At the same time broadens the range of areas in which old people are losing their authority and differ in expertise required for the achievement of socially valued goods. Article aims to highlight the importance of inequality for the activity of the elderly and its relationship to social capital in conditions of shaping social dispersion space order. Study brings closer chosen results of empirical studies portraying the dimensions of internal diversity of seniors.

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