Open Access BASE2016

Figure della miseria e della contro-miseria: i ceti popolari contemporanei tra neo-populismo e radicalizzazione. Alcune ipotesi interpretative


The purpose of this paper is to advance some hypothesis on social and political condition of the new popular classes in Europe. After discussing the theoretical point of view, in second paragraph the paper is focused on the key category of "popular class" moving then – in the third and the fourth paragraph – to analyze some sociological characteristics of it, both as "social actor" and "social condition". The main rising hypothesis are that popular classes, as "social condition", are characterized by misery and sociopolitical disintegration; as social actor, they are characterized by neo‐populism (inside popular class) and neofundamentalism (outside popular class).




Democracy & Security Review; Democrazia e Sicurezza - Democracy and Security Review

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