Open Access BASE2001

Journal of Mormon History Vol. 27, No. 1, 2001


CONTENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ARTICLES PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS --Telling Latter-day Saint Lives: The Craft and Continuing Challenge of Mormon Biography Newell G. Bringhurst, 1 TANNER LECTURE --The Free Seekers: Religious Culture in Upstate New York, 1790-1835 Alan Taylor, 44 --New Sources on Old Friends: The Thomas L. Kane and Elizabeth W. Kane Collection David J. Whittaker, 67 --The Mormon Gender-Inclusive Image of God Danny L. Jorgensen, 95 --"Untrumpeted and Unseen": Josephine Spencer, Mormon "Authoress" Kylie Nielson Turley, 127 --Earning Respect in Wisconsin: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Mormons David L. Clark, 165 --Area Supervision: Administration of the Worldwide Church, 1960-2000 Kahlile Mehr, 192 --S. Dilworth Young of the First Quorum of Seventy Benson Young Parkinson, 215 VISUAL IMAGES --Setting the Record Straight Paul H. Peterson and Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, 252 REVIEWS --Richard N. Ostling and Joan K. Ostling, Mormon America: The Power and the Promise Armand L. Mauss, 257 --Davis Bitton, George Q. Cannon: A Biography Michael N. Landon, ed., The Journals of George Q. Cannon: Vol. 1: To California in '49 DavidJ. Whittaker, 261 --David L. Bigler and Will Bagley, eds., Army of Israel: Mormon Battalion Narratives Ryan Johnson, 269 --William B. Smart and Donna T. Smart, eds., Over the Rim: The Parley P. Pratt Exploring Expedition to Southern Utah, 1849-50 Michael Landon, 271 --Craig Denton, The University of Utah: 150 Years of Excellence Brigham D. Madsen, 274 --Matthew E. Kreitzer, ed., The Washakie Letters of Willie Ottogary: Northwestern Shoshone Journalist and Leader, 1906-1929 Audrey M. Godrey, 276 --GospeLink 2001 (CD-ROM) Reviewed by Wilfried Decoo, 279 --H. Michael Marquardt, The Joseph Smith Revelations: Text and Commentary Ronald E. Romig, 286 --Gene A. Sessions, ed., Mormon Democrat: The Religious and Political Memoirs of James Henry Moyle Richard D. Ouellette, 289 BOOK NOTICES --Craig James Hazen, The Village Enlightenment in America: Popular Religion and Science in the Nineteenth Century, 295 --Jean Ford, Betty J. Glass, and Martha B. Gould, eds., Women in Nevada: An Annotated Bibliography of Published Sources, 297 --Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and R. Q. Shupe, My Servant Brigham: Portrait of a Prophet, 297 --Mark H. Taylor, ed., Witness to the Martyrdom: John Taylor's Personal Account of the Last Days of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 298 --William Jenson Adams, Sanpete Tales: Humorous Folklore from Central Utah, 300




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