Open Access BASE2019

Audit of the environmental assessment for environmental protection in mining companies in the region Puno


The national government, regional governments, local governments and university educational institutions, are obliged to preserve the environment , consequently the Peruvian government in the task of allocating government budgets for compliance with standards and regulations relating to environmental protection environment and natural resource management should be most efficient to prevent permanent destruction, then we say that is an obligation of the entities whose performance of their duties cause environmental impact, they must be involved necessarily in the application of the rules and regulations for the environmental care . Methods: By its very nature is "qualitative and longitudinal", considering the fact that you have each of the public and private institutions to set up over the region and its particular context. Results: Implementation of Environmental Audits must generate culture and consciousness in resource management and environmental protection, agreed with the regular processes envisaged in the ISA International Standards on Auditing and Generally Accepted Auditing Standards GAAS, and the results should be effective from the training at universities in the region, and its application to control systems (audit) to achieve efficient results in the application of procedures. Conclusions: It is necessary to show the authorities, educational institutions, business leaders, public and students of all levels, the importance of Environmental Audit, care of the environment, upon learning about the uncontrollable damage destruction environment in the Puno region, taking into account the recommendations contained in the audit reports and procedures.

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