
Księgi małoletnich Głownego Miasta Gdańska z XV wieku

In: Studia i Materiały do Dziejów Kancelarii w Gdańsku tom 3

In: Studia i Materiały do Dziejów Kancelarii w Gdańsku

In: Seria B tom 2

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


In the Main City of Gdańsk, a certificate of the city council's control over the legal guardians of children who lost one or both parents, are two books of minors from 1441-1460 and 1451-1460. The supervision of the registers of this type was exercised by the masons. These entries included entries regarding the property of minors entrusted by their guardians to the municipal council for safekeeping. These books also show the further fate of funds belonging to minors and financial operations carried out by their guardians (eg investments in the pension market). They are also an interesting source for research on Gdansk's financial policy in the times of political change, such as the Thirteen Years' War


Polnisch, Latein, Niederdeutsch, Plattdeutsch, Deutsch, Englisch


Instytut Historii PAN




279 Seiten

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