
"What about Biology"? Building Sciences into Introductory Women's Studies Curricula


Examines insights provided by feminist science studies into the complex & controversial issue of sexual difference. Varied definitions of "woman" are described, noting that women's studies has emphasized the "subjective & collective meanings of women & men as categories that have been constructed." However, it is maintained that discussions of what characterizes woman invariably include the matter of bodies, & of differences related to biological attributes. Feminist studies of science, medicine, & technology have tackled questions of how & by whom standards of differences are determined, & there is a serious need for the fruits of these discussions to be included in women's studies. Three scientific modules suggested for inclusion in women's studies curricula are: (1) sexual dimorphism; (2) human conception; & (3) HIV/AIDS. It is emphasized that critical considerations of science, technology, & medicine in their social contexts gives students the opportunity to shift abstract notions of "woman" to practical, specific productions of "femaleness.". 27 References. J. Lindroth

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