
20 Ergebnisse


Open Access#162012

Comprehensive smoke-free policies attract more support from smokers in Europe than partial policies

In: Mons , U , Nagelhout , G E , Guignard , R , Mcneill , A , Van den Putte , B , Willemsen , M C , Brenner , H , Poetschke-Langer , M & Breitling , L P 2012 , ' Comprehensive smoke-free policies attract more support from smokers in Europe than partial policies ' , European Journal of Public Health , vol. 22 , pp. 10-16 .


Open Access#172012

Comprehensive smoke-free policies attract more support from smokers in Europe than partial policies

In: Mons , U , Nagelhout , G E , Guignard , R , McNeill , A , van den Putte , B , Willemsen , M C , Brenner , H , Pötschke-Langer , M & Breitling , L P 2012 , ' Comprehensive smoke-free policies attract more support from smokers in Europe than partial policies ' European Journal of Public Health , vol 22 , no. Suppl 1 , N/A , pp. 10-16 . DOI:10.1093/eurpub/ckr202


Open Access#182019

Quasi-experimentally examining the impact of introducing tobacco pictorial health warnings: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) 4C and Netherlands Surveys in the Netherlands, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, and the United States


Open Access#192012

Does smoke-free legislation and smoking outside bars increase feelings of stigmatization among smokers? Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey

In: Nagelhout , G E , Willemsen , M C , Gebhardt , W A , van den Putte , B , Hitchman , S C , Crone , M R , Fong , G T , van der Heiden , S & de Vries , H 2012 , ' Does smoke-free legislation and smoking outside bars increase feelings of stigmatization among smokers? Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey ' , Health & Place , vol. 18 , no. 6 , pp. 1436-1440 .


Open Access#202012

Pathways of Change Explaining the Effect of Smoke-Free Legislation on Smoking Cessation in the Netherlands. An Application of the International Tobacco Control Conceptual Model

In: Nagelhout , G E , de Vries , H , Fong , G T , Candel , M J J M , Thrasher , J F , van den Putte , B , Thompson , M E , Cummings , K M & Willemsen , M C 2012 , ' Pathways of Change Explaining the Effect of Smoke-Free Legislation on Smoking Cessation in the Netherlands. An Application of the International Tobacco Control Conceptual Model ' , Nicotine & Tobacco Research , vol. 14 , no. 12 , pp. 1474-1482 .