
20752 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12021

Variation in Target Attainment of Beta-Lactam Antibiotic Dosing Between International Pediatric Formularies

In: Gastine , S , Hsia , Y , Clements , M , Barker , C I S , Bielicki , J , Hartmann , C , Sharland , M & Standing , J F 2021 , ' Variation in Target Attainment of Beta-Lactam Antibiotic Dosing Between International Pediatric Formularies ' , Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics , vol. 109 , no. 4 , pp. 958-970 .


Open Access#22018

EudraVigilance Medicines Safety Database:Publicly Accessible Data for Research and Public Health Protection

In: Postigo , R , Brosch , S , Slattery , J , van Haren , A , Dogné , J M , Kurz , X , Candore , G , Domergue , F & Arlett , P 2018 , ' EudraVigilance Medicines Safety Database : Publicly Accessible Data for Research and Public Health Protection ' , Drug Safety , vol. 41 , no. 7 , pp. 665-675 .


Open Access#32015

Achieving the world health organization's vision for clinical pharmacology

In: Martin , J H , Henry , D , Gray , J , Day , R , Bochner , F , Ferro , A , Pirmohamed , M , Mörike , K & Schwab , M 2015 , ' Achieving the world health organization's vision for clinical pharmacology ' British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology , vol 81 , no. 2 , pp. 223-227 . DOI:10.1111/bcp.12803


Open Access#42022

Corrigendum to "Obesity II: Establishing causal links between chemical exposures and obesity" [Biochem. Pharmacol. 199 (2022) 115015] (Biochemical Pharmacology (2022) 199, (S0006295222001095), (10.1016/j.bcp.2022.115015))

In: Heindel , J J , Howard , S , Agay-Shay , K , Arrebola , J P , Audouze , K , Babin , P J , Barouki , R , Bansal , A , Blanc , E , Cave , M C , Chatterjee , S , Chevalier , N , Choudhury , M , Collier , D , Connolly , L , Coumoul , X , Garruti , G , Gilbertson , M , Hoepner , L A , Holloway , A C , Howell , G , Kassotis , C D , Kay , M K , Kim , M J , Lagadic-Gossmann , D , Langouet , S , Legrand , A , Li , Z , Le Mentec , H , Lind , L , Lind , P M , Lustig , R H , Martin-Chouly , C , Munic Kos , V , Podechard , N , Roepke , T A , Sargis , R M , Starling , A , Tomlinson , C R , Touma , C , Vondracek , J , vom Saal , F & Blumberg , B 2022 , ' Corrigendum to "Obesity II: Establishing causal links between chemical exposures and obesity" [Biochem. Pharmacol. 199 (2022) 115015] (Biochemical Pharmacology (2022) 199, (S0006295222001095), (10.1016/j.bcp.2022.115015)) ' , Biochemical Pharmacology , vol. 202 , 115144 .


Open Access#52017

Exploring the challenges for clinical pharmacists in Sudan

In: Elsadig , H , Weiss , M , Scott , J & Laaksonen , R 2017 , ' Exploring the challenges for clinical pharmacists in Sudan ' , International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy , vol. 39 , no. 5 , pp. 1047-1054 .


Open Access#62015

Chimerization at the AQP2-AQP3 locus is the genetic basis of melarsoprol-pentamidine cross-resistance in clinical Trypanosoma brucei gambiense isolates

In: Graf , F E , Baker , N , Munday , J C , de Koning , H P , Horn , D & Mäser , P 2015 , ' Chimerization at the AQP2-AQP3 locus is the genetic basis of melarsoprol-pentamidine cross-resistance in clinical Trypanosoma brucei gambiense isolates ' International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance , vol 5 , no. 2 , pp. 65-68 . DOI:10.1016/j.ijpddr.2015.04.002


Open Access#72019

Positive Ignorance:Unknowing as a tool for education and educational research

In: Bojesen , E 2019 , ' Positive Ignorance : Unknowing as a tool for education and educational research ' , Journal of Philosophy of Education , vol. 53 , no. 2 , pp. 394-406 .


Open Access#82011

Toward a political economic theory of education: Use and exchange values of enhanced labor power

In: Williams , J 2011 , ' Toward a political economic theory of education: Use and exchange values of enhanced labor power ' Mind, Culture, and Activity , vol 18 , no. 3 , pp. 276-292 . DOI:10.1080/10749031003605854


Open Access#92019

Azulenes with aryl substituents bearing pentafluorosulfanyl groups:synthesis, spectroscopic and halochromic properties

In: Webster , S J , López-Alled , C M , Liang , X , McMullin , C L , Kociok-Köhn , G , Lyall , C L , James , T D , Wenk , J , Cameron , P J & Lewis , S E 2019 , ' Azulenes with aryl substituents bearing pentafluorosulfanyl groups : synthesis, spectroscopic and halochromic properties ' , New Journal of Chemistry , vol. 43 , no. 2 , pp. 992-1000 .


Open Access#102019

Azulene-Derived Fluorescent Probe for Bioimaging:Detection of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species by Two-Photon Microscopy

In: Murfin , L C , Weber , M , Park , S J , Kim , W T , Lopez-Alled , C M , McMullin , C L , Pradaux-Caggiano , F , Lyall , C L , Kociok-Köhn , G , Wenk , J , Bull , S D , Yoon , J , Kim , H M , James , T D & Lewis , S E 2019 , ' Azulene-Derived Fluorescent Probe for Bioimaging : Detection of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species by Two-Photon Microscopy ' , Journal of the American Chemical Society , vol. 141 , no. 49 , pp. 19389-19396 .


Open Access#112005

Divorce in Finnish women's life stories: Defining 'moral' behaviour

In: May , V 2005 , ' Divorce in Finnish women's life stories: Defining 'moral' behaviour ' Women's Studies International Forum , vol 28 , no. 6 , pp. 473-483 . DOI:10.1016/j.wsif.2005.09.003


Open Access#122013

Structures of trust after Stalin

In: Gorlizki , Y 2013 , ' Structures of trust after Stalin ' Slavonic and East European Review , vol 91 , no. 1 , pp. 119-146 . DOI:10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.91.1.0119


Open Access#132012

Behavioural consequences of imagining intergroup contact with stigmatized outgroups

In: Turner , R N & West , K 2012 , ' Behavioural consequences of imagining intergroup contact with stigmatized outgroups ' , GROUP PROCESSES & INTERGROUP RELATIONS , vol. 15 , no. 2 , pp. 193-202 .


Open Access#142013

Persian Studies and the Military in Late Imperial Russia (1863-1917): State Power in the Service of Knowledge?

In: Volkov , D V 2013 , ' Persian Studies and the Military in Late Imperial Russia (1863-1917): State Power in the Service of Knowledge? ' Iranian Studies , vol 47 , no. 6 , pp. 915-32 . DOI:10.1080/00210862.2013.836330


Open Access#152018

Beyond war and peace:Can war and peace be identified in prehistory by archaeological means? ; Jenseits von Krieg und Frieden.:Kann man Krieg und Frieden in der Urgeschichte archäologisch identifizieren?

In: Karl , R 2018 , ' Jenseits von Krieg und Frieden. Kann man Krieg und Frieden in der Urgeschichte archäologisch identifizieren? ' , Mitteilungen der Antropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien , vol. 148 , pp. 49-73 .