
18 Ergebnisse


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Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Workshop on Economic Reform and the Development of Economic Relations between the EU and the DPRK: final report ; August, 31 - September, 4 2004, People's Palace of Culture, Pyongyang

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World Affairs Online

Open Access#42020

정책 모빌리티(policy mobility)의 관점에서 본 '서울로 7017'의 정당화와 변용 ; Legitimation and Mutation of 'Seoullo 7017' : Through the lens of policy mobility


Open Access#52012

경제발전전략과 개발원조의 효과성 ; Economic Development Strategy and Aid Effectiveness ; 시장주도형 대 국가주도형


Open Access#62020

媛꾪샇�궗�쓽 �젙移섏쟻 �뿭�웾 媛쒕뀗 媛쒕컻 ; Concept Development of Political Competence for Nurses


Open Access#72012

한국과 이집트의 국가주도 지역사회개발정책 비교연구 ; The State-led Rural Development of Korea and Egypt in Comparative Perspective- Focusing on Institutional Path-Dependency - ; 경로의존성을 중심으로


Open Access#81997

�꽦遺곴뎄 �옱媛� �젙�떊吏덊솚�옄瑜� �쐞�븳 吏��뿭�궗�쉶 �젙�떊蹂닿굔 媛꾪샇�궗�뾽 �봽濡쒓렇�옩 媛쒕컻 ; Community-Based Mental Health Nursing Program Development For Rehabilitation of Home-Stayed Long-Term Psychiatric Patients in Seong-Buk Gu in Korea


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#132019

한국의 국제개발협력 정책조정에 관한 연구 ; World Friends Korea 통합 추진 사례를 중심으로


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Open Access#152012

민선 5기 지방선거 이후 지방정치 갈등요인에 관한 연구