The Effect Of Technological Innovation On Hutterite Culture
In: Plains anthropologist, Volume 21, Issue 73, p. 187-197
ISSN: 2052-546X
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In: Plains anthropologist, Volume 21, Issue 73, p. 187-197
ISSN: 2052-546X
Innovation and unemployment are two economic elements related to each other that have been constantly analyzed in the economic debates from the beginning of the 21st century. A classical question is whether innovation creates or destroys jobs. The conventional approach contemplates innovation as a transformation instrument of an economy, resulting in economic growth and jobs creation. Another approach points out to various mechanisms which can compensate the primary effect of innovations and cause an ultimate effect of innovations on labour demand to be unclear. In view of the fact that there are many different explanations about the impact of innovations on labour demand, this paper, after the analysis of theoretical and empirical scientific literature in this field, provides an empirical analysis with unemployment as the dependent variable. The authors use data from 28 European Union countries for the period of 1992–2016 and pursue to research how technological innovations affect unemployment rate. There are two core independent variables – expenditure on R&D (research and development) and number of patent applications – as the main proxies for technological innovations. Control variables that affect unemployment are included to the model as well. The model was estimated using a dynamic two-step System Generalized Method of Moments (GMM-SYS) of a panel data system. After the composition of 12 different estimations of the model, the results suggest that, in some cases, technological innovations affect unemployment.
Innovation and unemployment are two economic elements related to each other that have been constantly analyzed in the economic debates from the beginning of the 21st century. A classical question is whether innovation creates or destroys jobs. The conventional approach contemplates innovation as a transformation instrument of an economy, resulting in economic growth and jobs creation. Another approach points out to various mechanisms which can compensate the primary effect of innovations and cause an ultimate effect of innovations on labour demand to be unclear. In view of the fact that there are many different explanations about the impact of innovations on labour demand, this paper, after the analysis of theoretical and empirical scientific literature in this field, provides an empirical analysis with unemployment as the dependent variable. The authors use data from 28 European Union countries for the period of 1992–2016 and pursue to research how technological innovations affect unemployment rate. There are two core independent variables – expenditure on R&D (research and development) and number of patent applications – as the main proxies for technological innovations. Control variables that affect unemployment are included to the model as well. The model was estimated using a dynamic two-step System Generalized Method of Moments (GMM-SYS) of a panel data system. After the composition of 12 different estimations of the model, the results suggest that, in some cases, technological innovations affect unemployment ; Ekonomikos katedra ; Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas
This paper examines the effect(s) of technological innovation in companies' key relationships on knowledge acquisition and knowledge exploitation. We propose, building on and contributing to the existing views of knowledge-based theories, that knowledge acquisition stimulates firms' activities, transforming internal processes and creating competitive advantage. It presents the main premises of a conceptual model for understanding the processes and the impacts of knowledge transfer, acquisition and dissemination inside the organization. This is demonstrated within a case study approach, which explores the successful introduction of technological change within an enterprise setting. The case study is conducted in a high‐technology company, on the technology information sector, based in Portugal. The results indicate that technological innovation seems to be associated with indirect effects on knowledge generated in companies and increased network connections, which, in turn, are associated with increased knowledge‐based innovation. Knowledge acquisition, in turn, is positively associated with knowledge exploitation for competitive advantage through new product development and technological uniqueness. The study explores the impact of the introduction of an innovation, under the aegis of a government innovation stimulus programme, and its ensuing impacts on the firm's trajectory of technological change. The study is particularly interested in the so called indirect impacts of innovation, especially on the effects on knowledge acquisition and its exploitation. Knowledge is an intangible asset and its dynamics are difficult to evaluate. The paper intends to contribute to the development of a new assessment approach, based on the consideration of appropriate indicators and variables collected through the case studies. The impacts of innovation go beyond the introduction of tangible products or processes, but methodologies for the evaluation of those (indirect) impacts are scarce. However, assessment of these impacts ...
The role of technological innovation in the growth of an economy and the production of goods and services motivated this research. Technology is expected to boost production and relieve workers of the stress of doing repetitive tasks. It can also have a long-term impact on economic activity by increasing manufacturing efficiency and lowering production costs, which can be translated into lower prices for the goods and services demanded. The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship between technological innovation and employment, using a case study of the manufacturing sector in South Africa, making use of the Tobit regression model estimation technique. Annual secondary time series data spanning the period of 1970 to 2019 was employed. Earlier studies conducted in South Africa measured the relationship between employment in the manufacturing sector and technological innovation using different methodologies, including estimating procedures, model specifications and time frames. In this study the Tobit model estimation technique is utilised. The Tobit model results showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between variables used as proxies for technological innovation and employment in the manufacturing sector. That means an increase in technological innovation by 1 point will decrease employment in the manufacturing sector in South Africa by 0.52 points. Furthermore, the results reveals that there is relationship among control variables under the study. Based on the findings, the study therefore recommends that the government and policy makers formulate and adjust economic development policies that will produce the needed economic growth to secure employment in the midst of technological advancements in the manufacturing sector, through SETAs, TVETs and other Higher education institutions by interacting with the industry to develop curriculum and offer qualifications that enhance skills complementary to technological use, such as robotics, servicing of technology, software engineering, big data analytics and so forth. ; Thesis (MCom) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, 2021
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Volume 29, Issue 56, p. 84562-84580
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: JRPO-D-22-01609
This study assessed the impact of technological innovation on employee performance, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Data were gathered from private and government banks that applied technological innovations to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The author also elucidated more about the influence of technological innovation on employee performance, influenced by job satisfaction, work-life balance, and burnout. This study described technological innovation within the Jabodetabek Area's banking industry by using variables that affect employee performance. The questionnaires were distributed through social media to 123 respondents under 40 years of work. The data were then analyzed using PLS-SEM through SmartPLS 3 software. Findings. The results of this study indicated the positive effect of technological innovation on the performance of bank employees. Utilizing technological innovation will increase employees' satisfaction at work, balance employees' lives, reduce burnout, and improve employee performance eventually. This paper focused on the variables used in the banking industry, especially in COVID-19 Pandemic. Mediating variables used also have never been explored in the previous research.
In: Maghreb, Machrek: revue trimestrielle = al- Maġrib wa-ʾl-mašriq, Volume Hors-série, Issue 1, p. 93-110
ISSN: 2271-6815
Cet article examine la relation entre l'innovation technologique des entreprises et l'application des démarches ESG (Environnement, Social, Gouvernance). Deux propositions sont testées en s'appuyant sur des données d'enquêtes menées auprès d'entreprises marocaines par la Banque Mondiale. La première proposition suggère qu'il existe une relation directe et positive entre le comportement d'innovation technologique des entreprises et leur engagement ESG, mesuré à partir d'un score composite. Dans ce sens, les résultats des régressions multivariées confirment l'existence d'une relation positive entre l'innovation technologique et l'intensité des engagements ESG, que ce soit pour l'innovation de produit ou celle de procédé. Les effets liés à la taille de l'entreprise, à l'expérience du dirigeant, à la présence d'investisseurs étrangers et à l'appartenance sectorielle ont été contrôlés lors de l'analyse empirique. La deuxième proposition examine la relation directe et positive entre l'innovation technologique et la mise en œuvre de l'une des pratiques relevant de l'ESG. A cet effet, les résultats de l'étude suggèrent que les entreprises innovantes sont plus susceptibles de mettre en place les trois pratiques ESG dans leurs activités.
In: Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, Volume 35, Issue 3, p. 366-379
PurposeThis paper aims to evaluate the relationship between external sources of knowledge and technological innovation and then analyze how technological innovation improves firm performance.Design/methodology/approachThis study presents evidence based on a sample of 708 low-tech firms that participated in the National Survey of Innovation in the Manufacturing Industry and Knowledge-Intensive Service Firms (ENIIMSEC). A structural equation model approach was applied in this study.FindingsThere is a positive relationship between external sources of knowledge and technological innovation; technological innovation improves firm performance.Originality/valueThese results provide a deeper knowledge about how manufacturing firms in an emerging economy can apply open innovation practices to develop technological innovation, thus improving the firms' performance.
In: Sosyoekonomi: scientific, refereed, biannual, Volume 30, Issue 51, p. 11-31
ISSN: 1305-5577
This study aims to examine the effect of technological innovations on the environmental quality in 1995-2017 for the selected OECD countries and to determine Environmental Kuznets Curve. While carbon emission is the dependent variable, patent applications, GDP per capita, energy use, and urbanization are used as control variables in the model. Second-generation panel analysis has been estimated to examine the link between technological innovations and environmental quality. According to the results obtained, Environmental Kuznets Curve is not valid in selected OECD countries. Technological innovation decreases environmental degradation while energy use and urbanization increase degradations.
In: Business process management journal, Volume 27, Issue 6, p. 1874-1891
ISSN: 1758-4116
PurposeThe discussion on energy efficiency has been increasing due to the increasing population, emissions of degradable and harmful pollutants, and clean energy substitutes are being developed in order to manage and control the energy requirements all over the world. Against this backdrop, the factors of technological innovation and environmental regulations have been determined as key indicators for the evaluation of sustainable developments and practices in the energy efficiency evaluation studies.Design/methodology/approachA two-stage analysis process has been configured for evaluation of the energy efficiency. The first stage includes the estimation of the Total factor energy efficiency scores using the data envelopment Multiplier input-oriented methodology, while the second stage includes the exploration of the impact of technological innovation and government environmental regulations on the Total factor energy efficiency scores obtained in the first step through the application of a spatial regression model.FindingsThis paper highlights the link between the need for and impact of energy efficiency innovations and shows that the energy efficiency goal can be fulfilled by incorporating laws on sustainability and incorporating strict regulations that allow for the use of clean energy, low carbon energy technologies.Originality/valueThe present study, furthermore, provides evidence from 15 countries, five from three different continents, i.e. Asia, Europe and Africa so that a cross-country performance of these factors can be evaluated. The main contribution of the present study is the evaluation of the technological innovation on energy efficiency. There have been studies evaluating various factors on the development of energy-efficient practices; however, the focus on the role of technological innovation and governmental regulations has been scarce.
In: The European journal of development research, Volume 33, Issue 3, p. 407-426
ISSN: 1743-9728
In: The European journal of development research, Volume 33, Issue 3, p. 407-426
ISSN: 1743-9728
World Affairs Online
In: Business process management journal, Volume 30, Issue 5, p. 1737-1737
ISSN: 1758-4116