
202 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12011

Playing with Collective Memories: Julian Barne's "England, England" and New Labour's Rebranding of Britain


Open Access#22012

Manhood, Kingship and the Public in Late Medieval England


Open Access#32016

Contesting the reform of school governance in England: Contrasting modes of governance and accountability


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#52015

Manhold, kingship and the public in Late Medieval England ; Virilidad, dignidad regia y lo público en la Inglaterra Bajomedieval


Open Access#62015

Manhold, kingship and the public in Late Medieval England ; Virilidad, dignidad regia y lo público en la Inglaterra Bajomedieval


Open Access#72011

El treball social a Anglaterra i Gal·les ; Social Work in England and Wales ; El trabajo social en Inglaterra y Gales


Open Access#82016

Quevedo, antidote against the "whigs" and the "tories" in England in the eighteenth-century ; Quevedo, antídoto contra los "whigs" y los "tories" en la Inglaterra del siglo XVIII


Open Access#92016

Exequias de Fernando el Católico en España, Italia, Flandes e Inglaterra ; Obsequies of king Ferdinand of Aragon in Spain, Italy, Flandeers and England


Open Access#102016

Kings of England as Absolute Monarchs. Henry VIII's Reformation ; La conversión de los reyes de Inglaterra en monarcas absolutos. La Reforma de Enrique VIII


Open Access#112011

Gothics, translators and exiles. The literature about the Spanish Inquisition in England (1811-1827) ; Góticos, traductores y exiliados: la literatura sobre la Inquisición española en Inglaterra (1811-1827)


Open Access#122012

The cost-effectiveness of enzyme replacement therapy (ert) for the infantile form of pompe disease: comparing a high-income country's approach (england) to that of a middleincome one (colombia)


Open Access#132017

El Trabajo Social en Inglaterra: ¿el principio y fin de una profesión para la justicia social? ; Social Work in England: the beginning and the end of a profession for social justice?


Open Access#142017

Spanish Tragedy of the Golden Age in its European Context: the Tragical Canon in France and England ; La tragedia española del Siglo de Oro en su contexto europeo: el canon trágico en Francia e Inglaterra


Open Access#152011

Embajadas, Corte y sistemas de inteligencia. Inglaterra y la diplomacia exterior española a comienzos del siglo XVII ; Embassies, Court and the intelligence system. England and the Spanish Foreign Policy at the beginning of the Seventeenth Century