
22 Ergebnisse



Infrastructure Development and Its Effects on Transport, Demography and Employment: the Example of a New Rail Line Dresden-Prague

In: Spatial and Transport Infrastructure Development in Europe: Example of the Orient/East-Med Corridor, S. 215-230


Contemporary Perspectives of Railway, Logistics and Urban Development in Budapest

In: Spatial and Transport Infrastructure Development in Europe: Example of the Orient/East-Med Corridor, S. 243-271


Technology and Industrial Policy in an Age of Systemic Competition: Safeguarding Germany's Technology Stack and Innovation Industrial Strength

In: A German Digital Grand Strategy: Integrating Digital Technology, Economic Competitiveness, and National Security in Times of Geopolitical Change


Platform Labour and the Mobile Underclass: Barriers to Participation in the United States and India

In: Proceedings of the Weizenbaum Conference 2019 "Challenges of Digital Inequality - Digital Education, Digital Work, Digital Life"


Механизм формирования единого экономического (рыночного) пространства в России

In: Сибирская деревня: история, современное состояние, перспективы развития ; сборник научных трудов, S. 191-192


Virtual collaborative R&D teams in Malaysia manufacturing SMEs

In: 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT 2011), S. 114-117


Tauschen, teilen, Erfahrungen sammeln: Das transformative Potential sozial-ökologischer Praxisformen

In: Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity


Die UEMOA und die CFA-Zone: eine neue Kooperations-Kultur im frankophonen Afrika?

In: Regionale Integration - neue Dynamiken in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika, S. 115-136