
267 Ergebnisse


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#32017

A Relationship in Limbo: Challenges, Dynamics and Perspectives of Kosovo's Integration into NATO


Open Access#42007

Nacionalizam, građanstvo i strategije integracije u Europsku uniju ; Nationalism, Citizenship, and European Integration Strategies


Open Access#52005

Hrvatska strategija europskih integracija 2000-2005. ; The Croatian Strategy of European Integration 2000-2005


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#72018

Identitet, asimilacija, integracija: primjer Albanaca u Bjelovarsko-bilogorskoj županiji ; Identity, Assimilation, Integration: the Albanians in the Bjelovar-Bilogora County


Open Access#82016

Pravo na dobru javnu upravu - u kontekstu europskih integracija ; The right to good public administration - in the context of European integration


Open Access#92016

Semantičko modeliranje i ontološka integracija sustava otvorene vlade ; Semantic modelling and ontology integration of the open government systems


Open Access#112018

Varijabilna realnost Zapadnog Balkana u kontekstu evropske integracije ; Variable Reality of the Western Balkans in the Context of the European Integration


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

World Affairs Online

Open Access#132021

Integracija poslova ureda državne uprave u županijsku upravu: dosadašnji rezultati ; Integration of County State Administration Offices' Affairs in County Administration: The Results So Far


Open Access#142021

Rađanje i nestanak jedne konceptualne integracije ili uspon i pad Kukuriku-koalicije ; The Birth and Disappearance of a Conceptual Integration or the Rise and Fall of the Kukuriku-Coalition


Open Access#151990

Stavovi migranata o situaciji u Jugoslaviji i integraciji u Evropu – faktorska analiza ; The Attitudes of Migrants Towards the Situation in Yugoslavia and its Integration into Europe – Factor Analysis