
3 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12013

媒體、集體行動與公共性的建構: 番禺反建垃圾焚燒廠的個案研究. ; 番禺反建垃圾焚燒廠的個案研究 ; Media, collective action and the construction of publicity: a case study of an anti-incinerator event in Panyu ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Mei ti, ji ti xing dong yu gong gong xing de jian gou: Panyu fan jian le se fen shao...


Open Access#22014

女性幻想男男之爱: 中国网络耽美与酷儿性研究 = Female fantasy of male homosexuality : queering boy's love fandom on the Chinese internet. ; 中国网络耽美与酷儿性研究 ; Female fantasy of male homosexuality: queering boy's love fandom on the Chinese internet ; Nü xing huan xiang nan nan zhi ai: Zhongguo wang luo dan mei yu ku er xing y...


Open Access#32014

從辛亥前後香港報章對「革命」的取態看傳媒的政治角色: 以《香港華字日報》為例 = Reading the stance on "revolution" of Wah Tsz Yat Po in Hong Kong, 1909-1913 : a study of media's political role. ; Reading the stance on "revolution" of Wah Tsz Yat Po in Hong Kong, 1909-1913: a study of media's political role ; Cong xin hai qian hou Xiangga...