
3969 Ergebnisse


Open Access#21673

The reply of the States Generall of the United Provinces of the Low Countrys, to the letter of the King of Great Brittain


Open Access#31652

A seasonable expostulation with the Netherlands. Declaring their ingratitude to, and the necessity of their agreement with the Common-wealth of England


Open Access#4

Relation auss Londen


Open Access#61652

Dr Dorislaw's ghost, presented by time to unmask the vizards of the Hollanders; and discover the lions paw in the face of the sun, in this juncture of time or, a list of XXVII barbarous and bloody cruelties and murthers, massacres and base treacheries of the Hollanders against England and English me...


Open Access#7

Harangue, du marquis d'Albyville, envoyé extraordinaire de Sa Majeste le roy de la Grande Bretagne


Open Access#81667

A proclamation for publishing the peace between His Majesty and the States-General of the Vnited Netherlands


Open Access#9

Ihrer Hochmogenden der Herren General Staden der vereinigten provinzen resolution ["A resolution of the Esteemed Lord States General of the United Provinces (of the Netherlands), to His Royal Majesty of Great Britain, Lord Ambassador Temple, regarding the Proposition from April 6 for a peace treaty....


Open Access#10

Memoire, präsentirt durch den Herrn Stanhope ["Memorial presented at the Hagü by Mr. Stanhope, Envoy Extraordinary from His Majesty of Great Britain, to the Count d'Avoux Ambassador Extraordinary from the most Christian King."]


Open Access#11

Het waare dag-licht van Het politieck systema der regeringe van Amsterdam, uit de vaderlandsche historien opgehelderd …


Open Access#12

Der Schreiben Sr. Königl. Majest. Von Gross-Britannien, Hochmög die Herren General-Staaten der devereinigten Niederlanden, aus dem Lager ben Timolen ["Letter from his Majesty the King of Great Britain to the Lord States General of the United Netherlands. From Timolen's storehouse, July 24 1690."]


Open Access#13

[Four letters between Great Britain and the Netherlands, February-March 1689, translated to German]. William III; Joh. Bruwn; N. Witsen, W. de Nassaw, and Everhard van Weede


Open Access#14

Abdruck, dess Londenen Herren General-Staaten an den König von Engeland abgelassenen Schreibens ["Translation of the London States General Letter to His Majesty, the 13th of May, 1701."]


Open Access#15

Auffsatz Pro Memoria, Das ist: Wahre Copia Deren Zweyen Memorialien, Welche jüngstens in Nahmen Ihrer Britannischen Majestät und Ihro Hochmögenden der Herren General Staaten dem Herrn Grafen d'Avaux, Extraordinar Ambassadeur Sr. Allerchristlichsten Majestät præsentirt worden