
428 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12014

Mechanisms of improving institutional capacities of the state to prevent hate speech and hate crimes


Open Access#22015

Political violence and globalization: Challenges of democracy development


Open Access#32022

Suppression Of Organized Crime and Serbia's Accession to the European Union ; Сузбијање организованог криминалитета и приступање Србије Европској унији


Open Access#42012

Political changes and their impact on security and strategic concepts of defense


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

World Affairs Online

Open Access#82017

Political ideologies: The mediating forms and parasitical contents (social democracy, conservatism, nationalism, populism)


Open Access#92015

POLITICAL ABSTINENCE OF WOMEN IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ; Politička apstinencija žena u Bosni i Hercegovini


Open Access#102021

Financial Investigation and Adequacy of State Response to Property Crime : (Norm and Practice in The Republic of Serbia) ; Финансијске истраге и адекватност одговора државе на имовински криминал : (норма и пракса у Републици Србији)


Open Access#112020

Анализа примене нових законских решења у сузбијању корупције у Републици Србији ; Analysis of the Application of New Legal Solutions in Supression of Corruption in the Republic of Serbia


Open Access#122012

Police subculture's impact on the efficiency of financial investigations


Open Access#132019

Interdependence between constitutional order and political parties: Three cases of Germany: 70 years of the Basic Law


Open Access#142020

Uticaj atributa negativnih političkih reklamnih poruka i karakteristika mladih glasača na stav prema političkim kandidatima ; The effects of attributes of negative political advertising messages and characteristics of young voters on the attitude towards political candidates


Open Access#152019

Politički koreni dirkemovog shvatanja uloge vaspitanja i obrazovanja ; Political roots of durkheim's understanding of role of upbringing and education