
62 Ergebnisse


Open Access#11582

La troisiesme decade de Tite-Live : contenant la seconde guerre punique, soubs la conduite d'Annibal


Open Access#21564

World War 1 – Germany and Spain in the crucial year 1917 ; Título en español



Open Access#41607

Le premier[-second] volvme des plus excellents bastiments de France. Auquel sont designez les plans de quinze bastiments, & de leur contenu: ensemble les eleuations & singularitez d'vn chascun


Open Access#81591

The approoued order of martiall discipline with euery particuler offycer his offyce and dutie: with many other stratagemes adioyning to the same. Whereunto is adioyned a second booke, for the true ordering and imbattelling of any number so euer, with the proportions of euery battell, which best seru...


Open Access#91480

A Positive Effect of Political Dynasties: the case of France's 1940 enabling act


Open Access#101560

By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie vnderstandyng that where of late the peece of golde called the pistolet was made currant at fyue shyllynges and ten pence


Open Access#121604

By the King a proclamation for the search and apprehension of certaine pirats


Open Access#131563

By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie strayghtly co[m]maundeth all maner of her admirals . to permit & suffer al maner of subiectes of her good brothers the King of Spaine tradyng the seas


Open Access#141589

Letre De Henry IIII, de ce nom Roy de France & de Nauarre : contenant la mort du Roy defunct, la declaration de son intention concernant tant l'estat de la religion, que du politic, auec le serment tant des princes du sang, que de la noblesse & officiers de la coronne