
214 Ergebnisse


Open Access#11479

A joint problem of strategic workforce planning and fleet renewal: With an application in defense


Open Access#41538

Institutions in the lawes of Englande cum priuilegio


Open Access#51480

Toward food security and self-sufficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean : opportunities for agricultural complementarity


Open Access#61567

A defence of priestes mariages stablysshed by the imperiall lawes of the realme of Englande, agaynst a ciuilian, namyng hym selfe Thomas Martin doctour of the ciuile lawes, goyng about to disproue the saide mariages, lawfull by the eternall worde of God, [and] by the hygh court of parliament, only f...


Open Access#71604

Arrests & regleme[n]ts de la cour, donnez à l'ouuerture du parlement mil six cens trois sur les resprinses des proces, sur les arrests de deboute, de defenses, sur les payemens des amendes non excedantes cent sols parisis, & pour les substitutions des procureurs


Open Access#81479

Fiscal policy shocks and international spillovers



Open Access#101478

Distrust of the State and observance of the law among peasants in the San Nicolas Valley


Open Access#111482

The rise of private policy in the digital market: consequences for fundamental rights and the rule of law


Open Access#121480

Policy Stringency, Political Conditions, and Public Performances of Pandemic Control: An International Comparison


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#141479

Integrated Assessment of critical thinking and citizen self-awareness as ATC21s skills in Costa Rica and Japan ; Evaluación Integrada de pensamiento crítico y conciencia ciudadana como competencias ATC21s en Costa Rica y en Japón


Open Access#151567

A learned commendation of the politique lawes of Englande vvherin by moste pitthy reasons & euident demonstrations they are plainelye proued farre to excell aswell the ciuile lawes of the Empiere, as also all other lawes of the world, with a large discourse of the difference betwene the. ii. gouerne...