
6 Ergebnisse


Open Access#11563

Prouisio[n]es, cedulas, instruciones de Su Magestad : ordena[n]ças [de] difu[n]tos y audie[n]cia, [par]a la buena expedicio[n] de los negocios, y administracio[n] [de] justicia : y gouernacio[n] [de]sta Nueua España : y [par]a el bue[n] tratamie[n]to y [con]seruacio[n] [de] los yndios, dende el año ...



Open Access#21612

A map of Virginia VVith a description of the countrey, the commodities, people, government and religion. VVritten by Captaine Smith, sometimes governour of the countrey. Whereunto is annexed the proceedings of those colonies, since their first departure from England, with the discourses, orations, a...


Open Access#31604

The naturall and morall historie of the East and West Indies Intreating of the remarkable things of heaven, of the elements, mettalls, plants and beasts which are proper to that country: together with the manners, ceremonies, lawes, governments, and warres of the Indians. Written in Spanish by the R...


Open Access#41588

The historie of the great and mightie kingdome of China, and the situation thereof togither with the great riches, huge citties, politike gouernement, and rare inuentions in the same. Translated out of Spanish by R. Parke. ; Historia de las cosas mas notables de la China. English


Open Access#51564

Título en inglés ; "Una tan grotesca palabra": Aproximaciones a la institución paternalista del lenguaje como mecanismo alienador de la cultura en El Arte de la Palabra de Enrique Lihn


Open Access#61481

Essays on monetary policy and financial stability