
1059 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12019

Advocating for biographical research in political social work in neoliberal times

In: Gwilym , H 2019 , ' Advocating for biographical research in political social work in neoliberal times ' , Critical and Radical Social Work , vol. 7 , no. 2 , pp. 203-214 .


Open Access#22018

Forschungsethik in der Biografieforschung: Herausforderungen im Forschungsfeld der politischen Partizipation ; Research Ethics in Biographical Research: Challenges in the Field of Political Participation


Open Access#32018

Forschungsethik in der Biografieforschung: Herausforderungen im Forschungsfeld der politischen Partizipation ; Research ethics in biographical research: Challenges in the field of political participation


Open Access#42019

Lives who do (not) matter : Doing biographical research on migration and the spectacle of suffering and resistance in the Mediterranean


Open Access#52020

Ethical Aspects of Social Research: Old Concerns in the Face of New Challenges and Paradoxes. A Reflection from the Field of Biographical Method


Open Access#62020

Ethical Aspects of Social Research: Old Concerns in the Face of New Challenges and Paradoxes. A Reflection from the Field of Biographical Method


Open Access#72021

Basic epistemology of biographical research: a review based on the extraordinary life history of a young offender ; Epistemología básica de la investigación biográfica: Revisión a través de la extraordinaria historia de vida de un menorinfractor


Open Access#81987

Das Handbuch der Mitglieder des Preußischen Abgeordnetenhauses 1867-1918: Projektbericht über den Einsatz von TUSTEP in der biographischen Grundlagenforschung ; The manual of the members of the Prussian Parliament 1867-1918: project report on the use of TUSTEP in basic biographical research


Open Access#92021

Basic epistemology of biographical research: a review based on the extraordinary life history of a young offender ; Epistemología básica de la investigación biográfica: Revisión a través de la extraordinaria historia de vida de un menor infractor


Open Access#102019

Who Is a Right-Wing Supporter? On the Biographical Experiences of Young Right-Wing Voters in Poland and Germany


Open Access#112019

Who Is a Right-Wing Supporter? On the Biographical Experiences of Young Right-Wing Voters in Poland and Germany


Open Access#122007

Diskursanalyse und Biografieforschung. Zum Wie und Warum von Subjektpositionierungen ; Discourse Analysis and Biographical Research. About the How and Why of Subject Positions ; Análisis de discurso e investigación biográfica. Sobre el cómo y el por qué de las posiciones del sujeto


Open Access#132019

An Analysis of Biographies in Collective Memory Research: The Method of Socio-Historical Analysis


Open Access#142019

An Analysis of Biographies in Collective Memory Research: The Method of Socio-Historical Analysis


Open Access#152020

(Auto)biographic research as an event: epistemic-methodological dialogues ; Investigación (auto)biográfica como acontecimiento: diálogos epistémico-metodológicos