
18 Ergebnisse


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#31997

蹂닿굔�냼 援ш컯蹂닿굔�떎 �떎�깭 諛� �뾽臾댁뿉 �쁺�뼢�쓣 誘몄튂�뒗 �슂�씤 ; The evaluation of the community based public oral health program in public health centers


Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

Open Access#82019

Metagenomic analysis of isolation methods of a targeted microbe, Campylobacter jejuni, from chicken feces with high microbial contamination


Open Access#91997

�꽦遺곴뎄 �옱媛� �젙�떊吏덊솚�옄瑜� �쐞�븳 吏��뿭�궗�쉶 �젙�떊蹂닿굔 媛꾪샇�궗�뾽 �봽濡쒓렇�옩 媛쒕컻 ; Community-Based Mental Health Nursing Program Development For Rehabilitation of Home-Stayed Long-Term Psychiatric Patients in Seong-Buk Gu in Korea


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Workshop on Economic Reform and the Development of Economic Relations between the EU and the DPRK: final report ; August, 31 - September, 4 2004, People's Palace of Culture, Pyongyang

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World Affairs Online

Open Access#122020

媛꾪샇�궗�쓽 �젙移섏쟻 �뿭�웾 媛쒕뀗 媛쒕컻 ; Concept Development of Political Competence for Nurses


Open Access#132016

誘멸뎅, 罹먮굹�떎, �쁺援��쓽 �옱�엯�썝�쑉 �솢�슜 �쁽�솴 ; Readmission Rate: Experience in USA, Canada and UK


Open Access#142019

루소의 국제정치사상 재해석 ; Reinterpreting Rousseau's International Political Thought : Politics of Survival in Emile ; 『에밀』을 중심으로 본 생존의 정치학


Open Access#152020

Fuller Magazine, Issue 016, 2020 - Imaging Hope