
212594 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12018

LCSH in the Southern Levant


Open Access#22018

Privacy, emotion and political activism in the post-migrant theatre of Sasha Marianna Salzmann ; Intimidad, emoción y activismo político en el teatro posmigrante de Sasha Marianna Salzmann


Open Access#32020

Union militancy of working women in Argentina: theoretical approaches and analysis dimensions from a sociological approach ; La militancia sindical de las mujeres trabajadoras en Argentina : Abordajes teóricos y dimensiones analíticas desde un enfoque sociológico


Open Access#42015

A universidade como agente político na sua relaçao com o entorno municipal ; The university as a political agent in its links with the enviroment ; La universidad como agente político en su relación con el entorno municipal


Open Access#52019

Annual Report 2018-2019: Cultivating Princeton's Data Landscape



Open Access#72016

"Against the kingdom of Bestia, we, witnesses, will lift us": E.P. Thompson and the Nuclear Disarmament Campaign ; "Contra el reino de la Bestia, nosotros, testigos, nos levantaremos" : E. P. Thompson y la Campaña por el Desarme Nuclear


Open Access#82016

Towards a Social Theory of the Corps: Lines to think about body fabric, education, politics ; Hacia una Teoría Social del Cuerpo : Líneas para pensar el entramado cuerpo, educación, política


Open Access#92009

Power and violence against women's bodies ; Poder y violencia sobre el cuerpo de las mujeres


Open Access#102009

Social order, subjectivity and collective action. Notes for the study of the social movements ; Orden social, subjetividad y acción colectiva : Notas para el estudio de los movimientos sociales


Open Access#112019

Democracy as a conflict. Rethink the 2001 crisis in Argentina = Democracy as conflict. Revisiting the 2001 crisis in Argentina ; La democracia como conflicto. Repensar la crisis de 2001 en Argentina = Democracy as conflict. Revisiting the 2001 crisis in Argentina


Open Access#122017

Work, income and consumption in the popular economy ; Trabajos, ingresos y consumos en la economía popular


Open Access#132016

Hervé Kempf "How rich destroy the planet": Buenos Aires, Intellectual Capital, 2011, 176 pp. ; Hervé Kempf "Cómo los ricos destruyen el planeta" : Buenos Aires, Capital Intelectual, 2011, 176 pp


Open Access#142015

The university in the neighbourhoods, the districts at the university entrance and stay: UNLP ; A universidade nos bairros, e os bairros na universidade, ingresso e permanência: UNLP ; University neighborhoods, neighborhoods at the university entry and stay in the UNLP ; La universidad en los barrio...


Open Access#152014

From a love and body language in Le Rouge and Noir ; Désir amoureux et langage corporel dans Le Rouge et le Noir