
4 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12018

Razvoj in demografske značilnosti prebivalstva v mestu Maribor med letoma 1961 in 2015 ; Population development and population characteristics in the city of Maribor between 1961 and 2015


Open Access#22009

Sub-Saharan Africa's Lagging Development ; Razvojno zaostajanje Podsaharske Afrike


Open Access#32018

Politika obveznega cepljenja in svoboda odločanja glede cepljenja otrok v Sloveniji ; Mandatory vaccination policy and freedom of decision making regarding child vaccination in Slovenia


Open Access#42017

KOMPARATIVNI VIDIKI UČINKOVITOSTI POLITIK RAZVOJNE POMOČI V KONTEKSTU ODNOSOV SEVER-JUG NA PRIMERU SKUPINE DRŽAV AFRIKE, KARIBOV IN PACIFIKA ; Comparative aspects of the efficiency of development aid policies in terms of North-South relations in the case of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group o...

In: Maribor