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Open Access#762015

Promoting equity in the mental wellbeing of children and young people: A scoping review


Article(electronic)#77January 2009

Engaging policy makers in action on socially determined health inequities: developing evidence-informed cameos

In: Evidence & policy: a journal of research, debate and practice, Volume 5, Issue 1, p. 53-70

ISSN: 1744-2656

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Open Access#782014

A new generation of trade policy: potential risks to diet-related health from the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement


Open Access#792014

A new generation of trade policy: potential risks to diet-related health from the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement


Open Access#802020

Advancing a health equity agenda across multiple policy domains: a qualitative policy analysis of social, trade and welfare policy


Open Access#812014

The importance of government policies in reducing employment related health inequalities


Open Access#822014

The importance of government policies in reducing employment related health inequalities


Article(electronic)#83February 20, 2024

NGOs and Global Business Regulation of Transnational Alcohol and Ultra-Processed Food Industries

In: Policy and society, Volume 43, Issue 1, p. 54-69

ISSN: 1839-3373

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Open Access#842019

Extending the paradigm: a policy framework for healthy and equitable eating (HE2)


Open Access#862014

Rights, knowledge, and governance for improved health equity in urban settings


Open Access#872014

Rights, knowledge, and governance for improved health equity in urban settings


Open Access#882011

Rights, Knowledge, and Governance for Improved Health Equity in Urban Settings


Open Access#892014

Social conditions and urban health inequities: realities, challenges and opportunities to transform the urban landscape through research and action


Open Access#902014

Social conditions and urban health inequities: realities, challenges and opportunities to transform the urban landscape through research and action