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Open Access#102016

The Faculty of Law at the University of Turin and the Legislative Changes that Shaped the Teaching in the Kingdom of Sardinia during the Risorgimento Period ; La Facoltà legale di Torino ed i progetti di riforma dell'insegnamento universitario nel Regno di Sardegna risorgimentale - The Faculty of La...


Open Access#132016

The Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux from 1886 to 1968 : The development of the provincial university over the century ; La faculté des lettres de Bordeaux 1886-1968 : un siècle d'essor universitaire en province


Open Access#142016

The Faculty of Arts of Bordeaux from 1886 to 1968 : The development of the provincial university over the century ; La faculté des lettres de Bordeaux 1886-1968 : un siècle d'essor universitaire en province