Open Access BASE2015

The U.S. Foreign Language Deficit, the Language Enterprise, and the Campaign for Foreign Languages


Americans are among the least likely in the world to speak another language, and this lack of foreign language skills has a negative impact on the economic and national security of the U.S. and on the careers of individuals. In the U.S. the need for foreign language skills in the workforce is predicted to increase, and many positions requiring foreign language skills cannot always be filled. The need for an increase in foreign language skills in the U.S. and across the Anglophone world has been clearly demonstrated by a series of reports. A strategic social marketing campaign is needed, and in order for the campaign to be effective, the Language Enterprise, defined as the partnership of academe, government, and private enterprise, must play an active role. The "Many Languages One World" Essay Contest and Global Youth Forum is a noteworthy example of a high-profile event made possible by a Language Enterprise collaborative partnership. Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP), especially Business Language Studies (BLS) represent an approach to foreign language education with the potential to transform both our classrooms and the future professional lives of our students

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