Open Access BASE2015

Restructuring, Rationalizing and Modernizing Higher Education Sector in the Republic of Moldova

In: Turcan , R V & Bugaian , L (eds) 2015 , Restructuring, Rationalizing and Modernizing Higher Education Sector in the Republic of Moldova . Cuvântul ABC , Chisinau .


This book presents the recommendations on restructuring, rationalization and modernization of higher education sector in Moldova. It consists of three parts. In part one, legislative proposals are presented in which inter alia the new structure of the sector is suggested, new key players are identified and described and respective relationships are formulated, governance and management are clearly defined, teaching and research formula are described, and restructuring and rationalization road maps are developed. In part two, a commentary on the Code of Education in effect is provided by comparing it with the legislative proposals presented in part 1; the commentary on the Code of Education is restricted to the sections on Higher Education. In part three, a guide of good practice is presented. It draws on the benchmark analysis of the institutional university autonomy in Denmark, Lithuania, Romania, Scotland and Sweden and discusses best practices internal to a university on organizational, financial, human resource and academic autonomy. This book is the final, third major deliverable of the EUniAM project. It builds on and is derived from the first two deliverables of the project: "The analysis of the institutional university autonomy in Moldova" (Turcan and Bugaian, 2014)1 and "The benchmark analysis of institutional university autonomy in Denmark, Lithuania, Romania, Scotland and Sweden" (Turcan and Bugaian, 2015)2. We would like to acknowledge the Minister of Education, Maia Sandu and her higher education team, led by Nadejda Velisco; Rectors' Council, led by Rector Grigore Belostecinic; rectors Ion Bostan of Technical Univesity, Gheorghe Popa of Balti State University, Andrei Popa of Cahul State University, Gheorge Ciocanu of Moldova State University for their constructive feedback on the earlier versions of the legislative proposals.




Cuvântul ABC

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