Open Access BASE2011

Domestic Fuel Price and Economic Sectors in Malaysia


This study empirically examines the relation between the domestic fuel prices with the ten disaggregated economic sectors in Malaysia with the spanning of data from 1990:Q1 to 2007:Q4. We found that only three sectors (agriculture, trade and other services sectors) are cointegrated with the fuel price and fuel price does Granger cause these sectors. Despite the evidence of non-cointegrated in most of the economic sectors, fuel price able to influence these sectors over a longer period. Policy recommendation from this study includes the utilization of the renewable energy (RE) as a strategic plan is the long-term solution due to the high dependency and increasing demand of energy. While energy prices have experienced some correction in response to signs of slower global growth, sufficient government enforcement and support need to be established to facilitate successful renewable energy implementation in Malaysia.




AMH International



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